New Democracy #31: Overcoming Social Division

How we divide and reconnect through democracy. With Dr. Anatol Itten & Rutger Groot Wassink.

The 31st edition of New Democracy centres on social division and polarisation in society. Throughout history, extreme social polarisation seems to be the root cause of democratic breakdowns. Today again, states, regions and communities separate increasingly into socially divided bubbles. To what extent can we reconnect through democracy?

Bridging the bubbles
As recent studies show, a postcode can indicate much about a person’s partisan preference as well as his or her religion, race, ethnicity and favourite grocery store. The formation of these bubbles would perhaps not be absolute if people with different political views or values lived within greeting distance, encountered one another from time to time. But this is less the case. In stark contrast, many countries and cities over the world are currently exploring and reinventing democratic processes. Their hope is to better face challenges like migration, climate change or disruptions caused by new technologies through civic participation, living labs, mediation or data-based decision-making. Time to find out how these experiments and methods are working out. Do they bring distant groups together or causing them to grow further apart? We invite you to a discussion evening and a book release that ponders on how we can overcome social division, decide on controversial policies and coexist in polarised societies.

If you can’t wait to read the book ‘Overcoming Social Division’ by Anatol Itten please click on this link and you can have limited sneak peak.

Dr. Anatol Itten – Managing Director Disrupted Societies Institute
Rutger Groot Wassink – City of Amsterdam deputy mayor on democratic innovation
Nanke Verloo – Assistant Professor in Urban Planning, University of Amsterdam
Manu Claeys – Author and chairmain StRaten-Generaal

Read more and sign up:
Through the website of Pakhuis de Zwijger.

This is a past event. Read a report written by NetDem’s Rimma Samir on the evening here.

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