woensdag - 4 maart, 2020 4 maart, 2020

Digital Democracy

A guide on local practices of digital participation

This publication brings together three years of practices in strengthening local digital democracy. The guide contains background information about digital democracy, guidelines for successful participation, checklists and case studies from municipalities in the Netherlands and abroad. With this, it provides a starting point for local governments to develop their own digital participation processes and an invitation to join us towards building an international learning community.

The publication is a result of a collaboration between Netwerk Democratie, the ‘Democracy in Action’ programme of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Interreg Like! project.

In 2017 Netwerk Democratie and the Ministry of Interior took the initiative to strengthen local digital democracy in the Netherlands by connecting Dutch practices with practices from abroad and creating a Dutch experimentation ground for municipalities to learn from each other and work collectively on improving their digital participation processes. At the start we actively shared practices from abroad. Now in 2020 we are happy to also share Dutch practices to a wider international audience.

Download the publication >> Digital Democracy Guide <<